Alto's adventure archway
Alto's adventure archway

Buried skulls indicated severe anemia in 80% of all those that were found, including royalty. Archeology in the fallen Mayan city of Copán shows that the Mayans over-cultivated their farmland and suffered from malnutrition. The destruction of the Mayan civilization was a gradual process that began around 800 A.D. One way astronomy was used is that "astronomical observations and measurements led to the development of the Maya calendar, a system more precise than the Gregorian calendar we use today." Chocolate was considered a delicacy and cocoa beans were used as money.


We see geometry included in the layout of each city and shape of buildings in quadrangles, rectangles, triangles, and squares.


Because the Mayan were an advanced civilization and were quite good at mathematics, art, and astronomy, we see glyphs and Maya numerals in many of the buildings. Most of the cities incorporates some form of pyramid, whether it be a pyramid shaped doorway or an actual pyramid. Each Mayan city has its own unique form of art. Mayans were ruled by kings and the Maya Court.


They were named by those who discovered the ancient ruins of each city. It is important to note that these are not the original names of the cities. Known cities of the ancient Mayan civilization include Tikal, Copán, Palenque, Cancuén, Uxmal, Kabah, Tulum, Sayil and Labná. Part of the conflict arises with differences in opinion of exactly what point a group of people are large enough to be considered a civilization. Authentic Maya says they existed between 30 BC. Wikipedia says their civilization existed from 2000 BC to 250 AD. There are conflicting dates on the existence of the Mayans. The Mayan civilization covered parts of Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, Belize, and El Salvador. The pyramid shape can be seen in a variety of structures including this archway in Ek Balam. In the meantime, we enjoy the intrigue and mystery of the Mayan culture. The continuation of the world after December of 2012 has proven even to skeptics that the doomsday conspiracy theories were not true. Because the Mayans of that time no longer exist, we will never know for sure. Most the current Mayan ancestors say it is simply the end of an era.


They figured their ancestors would simply create a new one for the next age to come. In reality, the Mayans probably didn't intend the end of this period of time to declare the end of the world. Various conspiracy theories about Mayan prophesies have arisen such as the coming of the Antichrist, Planet X slamming into earth, a cataclysmic pole shift, and aliens landing on our planet to re-inhabit the earth

Alto's adventure archway